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Cable Laying for Marine Cable Services – October 2020

This was a cable laying exercise working for Marine Cable Services. Our remit was to provide a vessel suitable for multiple roles.

The roles included were assisting in getting a cable from the cable vessel 2km offshore to the shore marker and Pulling to correct position. Having completed this the cable had to release from buoys and positioned, which we used our daughter craft a Pacific 22, for this side of the project.

Once complete the vessel was then used as a dive platform, enabling the team of divers to work safely on adding the cable protectors. ROV work was also carried out of the deck of vessel to view the cables, a pump was then added to vessel to the assist in the cable trenching operation.

Client Statement:

Really quick, knowledgeable, and productive team, they fully understand what to do and get on with it. We required multiple vessels, Charter Boat Services sourced fully capable vessels and before we knew it the project was underway.